John Legend attributes the increased support for former President Trump among Black and Latino voters to "disinformation" and perceptions of "masculinity" in a recent interview on the "Pod Save America" podcast. Legend suggests that Trump's portrayal of masculinity may appeal to some men, contributing to the rise in support. Additionally, Legend argues that misinformation about the economy under Biden has led some voters to wrongly believe that the economy is struggling. He emphasizes the positive economic indicators under Biden's administration, including low unemployment and the return of manufacturing jobs. Despite these achievements, Legend believes Biden isn't receiving due credit for his economic stewardship. He warns against supporting Trump, highlighting potential consequences such as rolling back environmental initiatives and favoring tax cuts for billionaires. Despite Biden's overall support among Black voters, Legend acknowledges a drop in support among Black men, which could potentially impact the election outcome in key swing states. He emphasizes the importance for the Biden campaign to address these concerns to avoid losing ground in the upcoming election.